Monday, October 25, 2010

My Meta-Blog

Hey Doc Oc and Mr. Bolos!
I would like you guys to assess my "Critical Viewing" blog entry.

My blogging has changed a lot since we first began. Back in the day (a whole 3 years ago), I actually was a frequent blogger on tumblr (before it completely exploded into some sort of weird obsession people have) and I had a very distinct style... by not having one at all. I pretty much just used it as an internet diary of things that interested me during the day or fun stories I just couldn't keep to myself. After being off the interwebs for a few years and coming back to the blogoshpere in a different context changed my writing style a bit, it threw me completely off kilter. In my first few posts, I wrote very mechanically and I kind of fumbled over making the transition between what we spoke about in class to a current event purely based on the fact I wasn't used to it. I ended with the question "So when we have all that we need, what can truly make us happy?" to incite a reader response, my post didn't just seem warrant a response from the body of the blog.

After a few more entries I got a little more comfortable with the forum but I'm still struggling with making my points concise. My last blog was a tad on the lengthy side... to the tune of about 2 pages on a word document. I just go onto tangent and keep talking about whatever comes to mind.

My posts are all over the place, I've gone from happiness, to women's place in the home, to domestic issues, to economic issues, to really anything that I wanted to talk about. I feel like I should continuing my posts like this because it keeps everything fresh for myself. It makes me want to blog because I know I have complete creative control over what I blog about.

I really enjoy having control over my own work. Blogging is a great outlet for me to write freely without a rigid structure like a paper. It is all about whatever I want to write about and I am in charge of what I'm writing, which is nice.

At the quarter, I'm feeling more confident in my blogging abilities and I'm enjoying it a lot more. It feels less like work and more like a personal, fun thing I can do in my free time.

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