Sunday, November 14, 2010

Parallels and Contrasts (sadly only one not three)

I was at a loss for what to post about today. I have spent the past few days off disconnected from reality really, I've hung with friends and watched Blue's Clues (See previous post) and thats about it, so I went to NPR and tried to find something current to talk about. I reach the main page and BAM! I am hit in the face with the most provocative header:

Out Of The Closet ... In The Pulpit Of A Megachurch

When I think of a Megachurch in the South my mind goes straight to what I saw in the movie Jesus Camp, a large community of people with the same, very conservative values. I also think about the Assembly of God church services I see on GMC on sunday mornings; a very passionate preacher who engages a very large audience with sometimes offensive statements about gay rights, other religions and faiths, and even hurricanes (see here for statements made by John Hagee, John McCain's pastor). So when I saw and subsequently read this article about Bishop Swelley coming out of the closet, I was shocked. He was very brave to come out in his position in his Church, but I got to thinking, where is the line between religion and your life? Personally, I am not a very religious person, so maybe this question could simply just come out of not having a certain religious text I believe in. Even though the Bible teaches that homosexuality is wrong (prime example being Genesis 19, the story of Sodom and Gomorra), Swelley was brave enough to come out of the closet and be open and honest with his church and maybe even change some minds about homosexuality. Swelley, like many others including myself, believes that homosexuals are born with their sexual orientation and that it is not a choice, contrasting with the views of many of his followers. This man has devoted his life to the words of the Bible, but disagrees with some of them because he knows he did not pick this life for himself. Where then, does he he draw the line between the bible and his life? If now he believes that the Bible is not always correct, where will he know where to follow the words of God and where he can stray from the path laid for him because he knows it is not right for him? Personally, I wouldn't quite know what to do. I guess you just gotta have faith.

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