Monday, January 17, 2011

MetaBlog round 2!

I would like you guys to reivew my What You Don't Know Won't Hurt You blog, it was a blast to write... no joke.

Wow this quarter is already over. I feel like my writing has gotten a lot more informal. Instead of going to NPR for every post basis, I reference things I see everyday. I have goten to finding connections in movies and TV show I see, like in my most recent post about Say Yes to the Dress, to things we discuss in class. I am not quite sure if this is a better way to blog, but I am a lot more engaged in it than just forcing connections like I did first quarter.

During my day I continually look for things to connect back to class. This morning for example, I was making pancakes and Aunt Jemima on the box (yeah, I can't make pancakes from scratch...) looked a lot like the Norman Rockwell Jim we saw in class and I was trying to think about why that was and if I could make a blog post about it. I tend to now think in terms of blog posts, whether people would enjoy reading what pops into my head and even if I don't think they would, if I find it interesting, I'll blog about it.

Next quarter I want to insert more of my personality into my posts. I started doing that this quarter, but I would like to strike a balance between putting myself into my posts, but also making them a little more informative and give my opinions more. I also want to start commenting on different peoples blogs because I have a tendency to just comment on the blogs of people I'm close with in class.

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