Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hey your part of it, talking about the iGeneration

This doesn't have much to do with what we are currently talking about in class but it has a lot to do with everything we've been talking about all year so I'm gonna blog about it :)

So my favorite rapper, and maybe one of my favorite current artists is MC Lars, an indie hip-hopper who graduated from Stanford and is supremely nerdy in the coolest possible way. Since I adore him and his work, I follow him on twitter through an RSS feed on my email (which are super sweet btw) and his post from today was "I was on CNN today talking about indie rap". I FREAKED OUT and immediately went to the CNN link he gave and watched intently to the guy I've heard speak a zillion times on a huge network (I was so proud haha) which I conveniently have posted right down here!

He was being interviewed about his thoughts on piracy and how he got his start in the music business. He pretty much said that he supports piracy because it means kids will come to his shows and support his music.But the most interesting part of this interview to me was what he said about social media. According to him, without social media, he doesn't think he would have become anything. I think that even though Lars is an insanely wicked rapper, I kind of agree. I think that facebook and limewire and online forums and podcasts have helped launch the careers of so many artists that wouldn't have been heard of otherwise. Not many people want to hear raps about Edgar Allan Poe on the radio, even though they're sweet. Its very interesting how many lives can be changed just by the click of the mouse.

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